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Writer: Vanessa StrickerVanessa Stricker

It’s so easy to fall into the lie of scarcity. We see it in both big and small ways as we strive for more time, money, resources, and power. We see it as we race against the clock to fit all the things into our schedules. We see it as we hoard resources when crisis looms. We see it as we close our borders to those who are fleeing violence and persecution. We see it as people groups battle over territory. We see it as we try to exclude the voices that don’t support our own interests. The lie of scarcity is pervasive and destructive.

But God has called us to a different reality so I’m learning to rest in the truth of enough. I believe in a God of abundance and so I will choose to live in the reality of that abundance. After all, isn’t that what faith is? Not just to say that I believe but to allow my beliefs to inform my actions. And when I start to doubt, to let the actions that I choose influence my belief.

So when I feel that there isn’t enough, I will remind myself of this truth…

God is enough. God is a God of abundance, the One who created everything out of nothing, the One who fed the masses with one small meal, the One who showers grace upon grace and strengthens us by glorious might. I will choose to believe that God’s grace is sufficient for me.

I am enough. I am made in God’s image, and God has called me good. There is nothing I have to do to earn God’s love, and nothing can make God love me any less. My identity is found in being loved by God. Therefore, I don’t have to strive or prove anything. While I will continue to grow into who God created me to be, I am worthy just as I am.

I have enough. I have enough time, money, resources, and power. I do not need to strive for more. I do not need to rush around or cut corners so that I can do more. God created 24 hours in a day, and I will trust that what needs to get done will get done. I will rest. I will live within my means. I will choose people over profit. I will not compromise my values to acquire more. I will learn to be content in all circumstances.

There is enough to go around. God created this world with goodness and abundance to sustain all life. Scarcity is a result of humanity grasping for more than we need. I will choose to trust in God’s goodness and abundance by sharing what I have, whether it is a little or a lot. I will make space for others. I will not hoard or compete for resources. I will not exclude. I will choose love and generosity even when it costs me.

Imagine a world where we choose to believe in the truth of enough. This is the reality that the church is called to model. This is the Kingdom of God.


Featured Image by Raphael Rychetsky on Unsplash


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